Blog #3: My takeway from this experience:
Blog #3 My takeaway from this experience. This week went by in a blur. I tested my limits on energy in the classroom spending all my time creating a great experience for my students. After we pulled through our final day of teaching, we came home to prepare for the party. The party was very interesting and equally crazy. It started off casual as students started coming in and we greeted them. We took plenty of photos with each other and they conversed with the best English they could (I’m glad to say that their English had improved!) Then, at a particular time in the party, we told everyone that the snack bar was open which consisted of a very large assortment of chips and candies. It was at this point that kids went out of control! From across the schoolyard to the band area kids came running like this snack bar was a giant magnet. Instantly they were piling over each other grabbing as much stuff as they could and running out with multiple bags of chips shoved between their arms....